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Web Design Request

illing in the following information will help us determine the amount of work required to create your web site. The Web Design Price Schedule gives an idea of what you can get on a start up web site.

   About Your Company
Organization: Contact: Job Title: Address: City: State: , Zip Code: E-mail: Phone number: Fax number:
Graphics (We will need these sent to us.) We have a company logo to use. We have other graphcs or photos to be incorporated into our pages.
Colors and Styles We would like pages with a larger, easier to read font size? We would like pages with a smaller, more sophistocated style? List a preferred font style: List a preferred font color: List up to 3 colors (HEX preferred) that you would like on your web pages: (Please exclude black and white.)
Details Estimate how many pages (links) you have in mind: Date Needed: We have a Domain Name?
Host Name: Host Phone number: New Business ID: Business Password: There is a web site in the style we want?
Sample Web Address:
Additional Information Company background description: What Contact addresses and phone numbers do you want listed? Who should have separate e-mail addresses set up? We would like a "Hit Counter." We would like an inquiry form that we would receive as e-mail. We want to list company products. We want an order form. We want a calendar associated with these pages.

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