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Hatha Yoga for Beginners and Intermediates by Dr. Suzan J. Smith

For over 5,000 years, people have been practicing the ancient art of Hatha Yoga. The physical practice of Hatha Yoga incorporates slow moving stretches, breathing, and relaxation techniques, which will naturally lead to better health, beauty, the reduction of stress, and a greater sense of inner peace. Unlike other forms of exercise, Hatha Yoga can be practiced by anyone regardless of shape or size. It is a virtually effortless routine which can be done at any time of day, at home or at the office, and it requires no special equipment. The practice of Hatha Yoga can:

  • relieve back pain naturally
  • improve flexibility and posture
  • firm muscles
  • increase vitality
  • relieve daily aches and pains
  • help relax the mind and body

If you would like to learn the stretches, breathing, and relaxation techniques of Hatha Yoga, the following video tape will guide you!

Let me guide you down the road to better health, beauty, and relaxation. This video demonstrates how to perform the basic stretches and breathing exercises of Hatha Yoga.

This tape is available for sale through or you may order it directly from me. The price, when you order directly from me, is $20 per copy. This price includes shipping and handling.

ISBN 0-9667395-5-8
VHS video tape, Running time: 55 minutes
Price: $20.00 US

Hatha Yoga for Beginners and Intermediates This book is available for sale through Escape Press.


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